Another day at the Cafe

Another day at my very own cafe. I like the name a lot to be honest. Mei helped me pick the name, and I’m very thankful she did because I could’ve used a very lame domain name. But thanks to her, I’m the proud owner of the Ink-Cafe domain.

WordPress is pretty intimidating for me because a lot of code customization is required for things to work properly. I’m toeing the waters now, but things are generally going on fine even though sometimes it can get pretty annoying.

Now, if you pay attention to the Category section, more sections have appeared. I plan to move my literary works all to Ink-Cafe soon. I’ll need some time to do it, but I’ll be more than happy to do so of course. Also, the links section has been changed already. I plan to add more links as time pass, but for now it’s pretty empty.

Oh, from today onwards I can also be reached on I find it a very awesome fact that I’ve not my own email account on my own domain.

There are still some quirks I’m planning to work out though. I wish to set it so that my frontpage does not show all the posts but rather just posts from certain categories. Unfortunately I’ve not found a satisfying way to do that. I’m still working hard on it. I’d also like to find a way to include picture support to the feature section. But I should take things step by step right?

I’d also like to say that I wrote an email (with a lot of assistance from Mei) to a magazine called YouMag offering my “Services”. We’ll see how that goes shall we? Another big leap isn’t it?

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  1. Thanks man! glad to see someone checks this site out and leaves comments. Sorry bout the previous comment it was removed along with the post (by accident) lol.

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